Alane Gabriel Artist

Welcome to Alane Gabriel Digital Fine Art

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My Mission

Life is art and art is life. The universe has a language that constantly advices you when to turn right, left or go as planed. But you can hear the whisper of it's voice;  the advice, the guidance, only when you stay in the present.

 I am an observer, I observe then I paint what I see so you can see it. I risk everything to connect with your spirit. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it does not.  ... And even when you see nothing at all that was Your message! We dont see the world the way  it is , we see it the way we are...

About The Artist

Alane Gabriel


Art history obsessed, I am a sponge that is absorbing everything that surounds me, everything around you was someone's dream before it got to you. I am your bigest fan and I will always encourage you to follow your dreams and to listen to your soul!

Your only purpose in life is to be happy! To experience everything you wish to experience ... It is You who  tells the world who you are!.The only opinion about you that really matters is YOUR opinion.